PROPS and how to use them
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Saturday, August 04, 2018
By Jenny Puranen Photography
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Hi again! For those of you who are visiting the first time, I am Jenny of Jenny Puranen Photography! I am a traveling photographer based out of Central Florida. Mainly The Orlando, Melbourne, Space Coast Beaches area. I do work part of the year out of Los Angeles, California and where ever else my clients may need me!

I have years of photography experience under my belt and a big part of my style has been props. What are props you ask? well for example I got my start in Newborn and child photography. Props were everything!!!!! Baskets, chairs, fabrics, stuffed animals, and blocks. All things the child would hold in order to distract them from the fact they were having their picture taken.

Here are some examples......


Flash forward 5 years into my career and I am photographing more adults and high school seniors. I have several people ask the question what do I do with my hands? or tell me how nervous they are to be photographed. While only a certain number of ice breakers and silly jokes can loosen you up I was thinking what can I do to really put people at ease. It wasn't until my daughters singing lesson when I was watching her struggle with a horrible case of stage fright that I heard her teacher say something interesting. She told my daughter to learn to play a guitar and then she would have something to hide behind while she sang.

I went home and thought about this and then thought of my high school seniors. How apprehensive they are at the beginning of the session until you start working with things they love! It could be skate boarding, a puppy or dog that is a member of their family, a truck or car they have had since learning to drive. You put the subject with these items and they immediately warm up. They become themselves. You start capturing those real smiles and its heart warming.

so next time you are about to have some photos taken and you are feeling a little nervous. Think about the things you love. Ask your photographer to shoot you with it and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results!!!

Read here for inspiration with PROP PHOTOGRAPHY  and how to use it at your shoot

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